Sorry, but there isn't enough memory to load the music. You will have to turn the music option to 'off' from the preferences section or the Options menu.
Sorry, but the music volume preference is corrupted (found in fade in). Please delete the "Mars Rising prefs" file from your System Folder's "Preferences" folder.
Sorry, but the music volume preference is corrupted (found in fade out). Please delete the "Mars Rising prefs" file from your System Folder's "Preferences" folder.
Sorry, an internal error has occurred: can't resume the playing of the music.
Sorry, but the music volume preference is corrupted (found in instant fade up). Please delete the "Mars Rising prefs" file from your System Folder's "Preferences" folder.
Sorry, but the music volume preference is corrupted (found in instant fade down). Please delete the "Mars Rising prefs" file from your System Folder's "Preferences" folder.
Sorry, but the music volume preference is corrupted (found in fade up). Please delete the "Mars Rising prefs" file from your System Folder's "Preferences" folder.
Sorry, but the music volume preference is corrupted (found in fade down). Please delete the "Mars Rising prefs" file from your System Folder's "Preferences" folder.
Sorry, an internal error has occurred: can't unload the music.
Sorry, an internal error has occurred: can't stop the music (during unload).
Sorry, but one of the music files you've used isn't compatible with Mars Rising. If you haven't changed the music files, replace Mars Rising's music folder with a fresh copy.
Sorry, but I can't load a music file. Try increasing Mars Rising's memory. As a temporary solution, turn off the 'Music' menu option.
Sorry, an internal error has occurred: failure in music's RInstallMADF function. As a temporary solution, turn off the 'Music' menu option.
Sorry, but I can't convert a music file to the format Mars Rising uses. As a temporary solution, turn off the 'Music' menu option. If you've changed the music files, make sure they're compatible MOD files.
Sorry, but there isn't enough memory to convert a music file to the format that Mars Rising uses. Try increasing Mars Rising's memory. Alternatively, turn the music to 'off' from the Options menu or the preferences section.
Sorry, but I can't read from a needed music file. As a temporary solution, turn off the 'Music' menu option.
Sorry, but I can't open a needed music file. As a temporary solution, turn off the 'Music' menu option.
Sorry, but I can't get some information on a music file I need.
Sorry, but I can't get the tail section of the file path for some level music. Try replacing Mars Rising with a fresh copy, or increase Mars Rising's memory allocation.
Sorry, but I can't get the file path for some level music. Try replacing Mars Rising with a fresh copy, or increase Mars Rising's memory allocation.
Sorry, but I can't get the file path for title music. Try replacing Mars Rising with a fresh copy, or increase Mars Rising's memory allocation.
Sorry, but I can't get the file path for music folder. Try replacing Mars Rising with a fresh copy, or increase Mars Rising's memory allocation.
Sorry, an internal error has occurred: can't stop the music (without fade).
Sorry, an internal error has occurred: can't stop the music.
Sorry, but the music volume preference is corrupted (stop function). Please delete the "Mars Rising prefs" file from your System Folder's "Preferences" folder.
Sorry, an internal error has occurred: can't start the music.
Sorry, an internal error has occurred: can't reset music to start position.
Sorry, but the music volume preference is corrupted. Please delete the "Mars Rising prefs" file from your System Folder's "Preferences" folder.
Sorry, but the music drivers couldn't be initialised. Try increasing Mars Rising's memory allocation.
Sorry, but the music type preference is corrupted. Please delete the "Mars Rising prefs" file from your System Folder's "Preferences" folder.